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Crystal X Asli Merapatkan Miss V

Mengencangkan Vagina, Mengatasi Keputihan

Composition Of Crystal X NASA

Composition Of CRYSTAL X NASA
Crystal X NASA has natural ingredients that have natural ingredients that play a role in maintaining good health all the benefits of organ Miss V. Crystal X NASA in hasilakan by natural content material Crystal X NASA. As for the content and benefits of the content of Crystal X NASA

Crystal X

• The content of Betel leaf (Antiseptic) At Crystal X NASA
Troubleshooting female organs such as:
Ingredients Betel Leaves At Crystal X NASA prevent fungal infections, vaginal discharge which indicate the presence of the disease is usually textured thick, dense, yellowish and cause pain during intercourse intima tau effect itching and swelling around the vagina.

Ingredients Betel Leaves At Crystal X NASA prevent bacterial vaginosis infections, vaginal discharge that show the disease would be gray, yellow or white with a fishy aroma, and is usually followed by itching, redness and burning like fire.

Ingredients Betel Leaves At Crystal X NASA preventing cervical cancer, vaginal discharge would be very brown or reddish colored and bleeding followed at once the pain in the uterus.

Ingredients Betel Leaves At Crystal X NASA prevent Trichomoniasis, Whitish will be yellowish or greenish, accompanied by intense itching and pain during urination.

Ingredients Betel Leaves At Crystal X NASA prevent Gonorrhoea, Whitish indicating this penyaklit be yellowish or blackish and followed by bleeding outside the menstrual period and usually will result in pain during urination

• The content of leaves Scales Dragon (nourishing and Vitamin Supplements) At Crystal X NASA
Has benefits such as:
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Preventing the arrival of the virus
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Cleaning Dirt on Miss V
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Prevention of gynecological cancer
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Helps kill germs and harmful fungus
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Restores youthfulness and firmness Miss V
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA kills the bacteria, germs, fungi that cause disease in the area of ​​the female organs
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Addressing odor and itching of the female organs
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Addressing excess fluid that comes out in the vagina, or more commonly known as vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge either malicious or abnormal vaginal discharge
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Addressing irritation in the vaginal mucosa due to moisture, or use pads too long
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Adding vaginal sensitivity or sensitivity to sexual stimulation
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Preventing diseases associated with female organs diseases such as myoma or cervical cancer
The content of leaves Scales Dragon Crystal X NASA Flex and tighten back vagina

• The content of Aloe Vera leaves (immune system) At Crystal X NASA
Has benefits such as:

The content of Aloe Vera in Crystal X NASA with a variety of antioxidants, which is also known as a natural immune enhancer, which helps fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause several diseases and complaints that can accelerate the aging process.

Salicylic acid which helps curb inflammation by inhibiting the production of hormones such as prostaglandins. Salicylic acid acts like aspirin and the potential to reduce the inflammation by destroying the bacteria that cause inflammation. To treat various wounds.

Crystal X tonic at NASA is very efficacious for the female reproductive system that can help to rejuvenate the uterus.

• The content of Seaweed (antioksida Body) On Crystal X NASA
Has benefits such as:

The content of Seaweed Crystal X NASA Preventing cancer, the content of fiber, zinc, and selenium owned seaweed may reduce estrogen, due to high levels of estrogen which can prevents the onset of cancer.

The content of Seaweed Crystal X NASA Premature aging and maintain healthy skin, contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and enzymes that have the potential as an antioxidant that plays a role in skin rejuvenation. While vitamin A and vitamin C which is owned seaweed capable of maintaining collagen. In addition, the protein content can help the formation of new tissue in the skin.

The content of Seaweed Crystal X NASA Enhance Immune, chlorophyll and vitamin C contained in seaweed can function as antioxidants that help rid the body of free radicals that have an impact on improving the immune system.

The content of Seaweed Crystal X NASA accelerator in the wound healing (infection in), Vitamin C contained in seaweed can help the healing process of wounds and strengthens blood vessels.

• The content of phosphorus (Atibakteri) At Crystal X NASA
Phosphorus in Crystal X NASA has four types of amino acids namely methionine, an essential amino acid, methionine, and taurine. This fourth organ has a function for Miss V as:

Crystal X NASA phosphorus content of keratin production, perform the function of enzyme reactions and protein synthesis. The result is encouraging the formation of collagen in the connective tissue and helps the production of keratin in the skin.

The content of phosphorus Crystal X NASA Troubleshooting Skin Infections, phosphorus in Crystal X NASA serves as a repellent millions of bacteria that disrupt and damage the structure and function of the skin.

The content of phosphorus Crystal X NASA Overcoming Itching, phosphorus in Crystal X NASA function eliminates the problem of itching in the area Miis V.

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